Wednesday 26 October 2011

Mr Wilson's Legacy

I love to see companies that have been around a long time. One's that have stood the test of time and have built a great reputation over the years. Especially ones that have stayed true to their roots and remained Australian owned. Wilson fabrics is one of those companies, started in 1926 by Arthur Wilson and still going strong today even still manufacturing some of their fabrics in Australia. Wilson have recently expanded their range by including Wilson Studio a range of affordable designer fabrics. I have put together what I consider the best of their range below.

Friday 21 October 2011

Window treatments add style

Take a look at this post by American designer Julie Thigpen of Belle Maison. I think her words are spot on. I totally agree with what she says about mounting the rods up high. It's something we try and do where we can.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Stylish and Secure

Photo from Australian H&G by Maree Homer

I was so inspired by this photo when I saw it in Australian H&G June 2011 issue. It is so difficult to be secure and stylish especially if you have an older style home or don't like standard security doors. The photo stuck in my mind and I had a bit of a search to find it but here it is. It is great inspiration for an idea on how to secure your home without sacrificing style. It lead me on a search to find some suitably stylish options from our suppliers for attractive looking security screens. Here are a few....

Keeping the style with a federation security door

the modern simplicity of Alugard

and the 'not there' look of Invisi-gard

Monday 10 October 2011

Curtains are back!

So nice to see curtains back in favour after many years of the minimal look. There are so many benefits gained from having curtains it's hard to know where to start. I was speaking to a customer just this morning and she was praising the benefits of blockout curtains from when her children were small. 'Just close the curtains and tell them it's time for bed' she said. Even Mel from the Sunrise program says blockout curtains are her saviour making it possible for her to sleep before the sun goes down. Shiftworkers also love blockout curtains for the same reason. Curtains have the added benefit of absorbing sound helping you to sleep more easily and soundly. There are many other advantages but that's a good start for now. Some lovely photos to follow to help with inspiration.

Friday 7 October 2011

House and Garden

I have just picked up the latest copy of House and Garden today and it's lovely to see some beautiful window coverings being featured. Magazines like these are a great source of inspiration and advice and can really help when making decisions about important purchases for your home. It's a fantastic idea to start an 'inspiration' folder which you can add to as you see photos that inspire you. Sometimes it can be years later when they come in handy.
Australian House and Garden November 2011

I love the way the curtains are so simple and elegant in a room brought to life with a great geometric patterned rug. Keeping the main elements neutral allows you to change the look more easily.

Once again the shutters in these rooms are a lovely neutral background. They create such a soft look in the rooms.

There is a great article in H&G Advice about Shade Solutions and external blinds that I recommend you read if you are thinking about awnings. It's so important to 'get it right' as you want your investment to do the job you intended it for.

Happy reading - November Issue on Sale Now