Sunday 28 July 2013

Location Location Location - and good window coverings

With the recent popularity of shows such as 'The Block' and 'Selling Houses Australia' having your home beautifully presented for sale is now more important than ever. Buyers are very savvy and have come to expect high standards in a home that they are considering to purchase. And with all that information and inspiration at your finger tips there is really no excuse for bad presentation. Presenting your home beautifully for sale will benefit you in so many ways. Firstly you will feel better about having potential buyers come through your home. You will feel proud to show it off and feel more inspired to keep it looking in top notch during your sale period. Secondly your agent will also be more likely to show your home to potential buyers knowing that it looks good and then have more chance of making a sale. Thirdly and of course most importantly you will be much more likely to get the best price you possibly can when your home is looking its brightest and best. New window coverings are such an easy way to help get your home ready for sale. If you walk into your room as a buyer would often the first thing you look at is the windows and then of course the window coverings. Sometimes the only thing you need to do to give a room a facelift is add some lovely new roller blinds or venetians which are cost effective and suit many different styles of décor. A new window covering can provide many advantages such as controlling temperature and glare, showing off a view or hiding a bad one as well as giving a room a clean and modern look. Not only do they effect the look of your home from inside but also importantly from the outside. Good street appeal is one of the essential ingredients to having your home in sale ready condition. If a buyer drives past your home and sees new or appealing window coverings they will be more likely to want to make an inspection as it indicates to the potential buyer that the home is well presented inside too. If you are selling your home and would like some ideas on using new window coverings to help 'sell your home' please call us on 5494 6898 to arrange a free measure and quote.

Sunscreen blinds will help keep a room cool without blocking the view
Light filtering blinds may be useful for blocking out a bad view with making the room dark